Some magazines got under Honey Moons' skin and Honey didn't hold back about expressing her feelings about them (or any other subject).
"You know, I shouldn't say this because Juggs magazine [ceased publication in 2012] really likes me, but I hate them because they always interview me and never print what I tell them," Honey told a SCORE Group editor in 1995.
"They said I was really in love with surfer boys and a lot of other weird shit. I didn't even finish reading the article. I understand they have to sell magazines, but the guys would probably buy more if they knew the shit was true!
"Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against them. Some things they do I hate, but they're part of the business too. I would just like them to print what I say. Some magazines print exactly what I say, but all they're concerned with is sex. Other magazines give the reader a huge ration of shit!"
Honey was in England for shoots, including her first XXX scene with a guy (British porn star Marino), when she sat for this interview video with John Graham and filmed a shower scene. She also talked about her piercings and her tattoos.