This scene was shot before Micky's dramatic 24-pound weight loss and tone-up and her subsequent pregnancy and return to a more-voluptuous body. As usual, there was controversy when Micky made the big unveiling at SCORELAND.
The high ground: "Her new slim curves are beautiful. I really love her like this."
The middle ground: "Way to go, Micky. I loved you as an XL Girl and will continue to love you as a SCORELAND Girl."
The low ground: "I'm not a fan of weight loss. She looked better heavier."
"I hope all the guys still like me, but I don't know," Micky said diplomatically and with heart. "Maybe there are some guys who liked me bigger, but I'm not worried. I know there will be others who will like me as I am now. Everything balances out, yes?"
Micky really makes for a spectacular big-bust star across the board. In fact, this look is close to what Micky's body looked like when she started modeling on-cam. It was after she began camming that she began to gain the pounds. The good part was that a lot of that weight gain went to her chest.